Weekend recap: Great weather, food, running + another great wellbeing tool πŸ’™


I hope everyone is had a great weekend and has nice plans for the week ahead (if not, that's ok too). Spring is just around the corner and I'm excited. Most noticeably, the days are getting longer which means the sun is setting later and I'm 100% here for it. I love the winter, but the snow is gone and my body is ready for some warmth.

This past weekend, my boyfriend and I went out and did a long walk around the neighborhood, had some great street food down by the docks and I went for a run. It was such a beautiful day on Saturday. These pictures of the neighborhood below are from a little while ago, but the only thing that's different to now is that the trees aren't so green yet ;)

I just love living in this area of East London. It has that historic and quaint charm that's so pretty!

Slightly terrifying bird child sculpture?

A super cute hotel right on the water.

This boat is actually a little hotel! Must be super cute inside too.

The views you get from up on the bridge are so beautiful!

We walked down to where pop-up street food stalls appear on weekends to scope out the food situation - we were really hungry after about 2.5 hours of walking! We settled on this little place called Twist & Grill which were incredible! 
I ordered their grilled lamb wrap that came with a creamy tsatziki sauce, lettuce, tomato, red onion and mint in this warm, toasted pitta bread wrap stuffed with fries that had this amazing herb/spice mix on it. It was SO GOOD. We could have easily eaten about 3 of these πŸ˜‚ My boyfriend got the chicken wrap and it was equally as tasty. I need to recreate this recipe at home. 

On Sunday, I went for a run. I've been dealing with long-term injuries for literally years now mostly in my lower leg muscles and I think I'm finally on the path to being able to run long distance again πŸ™ I will be doing a separate blog post about my journey with this soon but for now, I'm just trying to deeply stretch out my legs and hamstrings every day to make sure I'm limber enough in there as I think this has been the root cause of my injuries!

The flowers in the little park near my house are starting to come up! They're so happy and colorful and I can't wait until the daffodils start blooming.


On Sunday evening, I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies because, why not? There's nothing like the smell of baked goods wafting through your house is there? πŸͺ Delicious.

Another great tool that's helped keep me calm any time of day, but also has made falling asleep easier, is an oil diffuser. Highly recommend getting one of these! They're not expensive and you can use whatever scents you want.

Mine looks just like the one in the picture below which I got on Amazon for £25 (this one currently has a £3 off voucher!). There are tons on there though that range from £10-£35 for a decent one, dependingn your budget. These little diffusers are so easy to use and add moisture to the air which is important to have, especially in the winter. I mostly use mine at night time and put about 5-6 drops of a lavender-based blended oil and drift off within 10 minutes (the one I use).

Questions for you!
  • Did you get out this weekend? Or did you stay in?

  • Do you use an oil diffuser? If not, will you try one?

  •  Are you suffering from any injuries at the moment?




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